The Home Inspection
An inspection is intended solely to assist in evaluating the overall condition of the building and is based on observation of the visible and apparent condition of the primary building and its components on the date of inspection.

Calibre Home Inspections Service: Protection for the Buyer
The purchase of your home is likely to be the most expensive investment you ever make. Many areas of the house including roofing, plumbing, electrical, and heating, and air conditioning should be evaluated so you will not step into problems at the purchase of your new home. As you purchase the new home it is almost impossible to find every defect and to determine if everything is in working order. You would not want to buy a house with unknown problems that you will regret after closing escrow. This is where Calibre Home Inspections steps in to be your advocate. Not only does a home inspection give you peace of mind, knowing the home is in good working order, but it gives you the opportunity to readdress the purchase negotiations.
Calibre Home Inspections does not guarantee nor warranty that all house defects are revealed, however, the inspector will outline all the salient points that you should be aware of before you make your buying decision. If major issues are revealed, you have several options. The options that you have include having the seller fix the defects, renegotiating the price or terms of the closing, putting money in escrow with an attorneys office, fixing the issue yourself, or just buying it as is and living with it the way it is until you can not stand it any longer. This way if the seller does not negotiate the price or repairs then you can still buy the house. Some lending institutions will not approve your loan if the major defects are significant, and may not approve it until it is reinspected with satisfactory results.
Calibre Home Inspections Service: Post Inspection
After the home inspector leaves the house, he constructs a cover letter with the most salient issues listed on one page and broken down into easy-to-read sections eg. major issues, minor issues, further investigation, and safety issues. The main report is finished, pictures are loaded, and the inspection and cover are downloaded to the Calibre Home Inspections scheduling system. If the inspection Agreement Form has been approved/signed then the report will be sent to the buyer and buyer's Realtor. In almost every case the buyer receives the inspection that night.
The price for a home inspection is small compared to the thousands of dollars that could be lost if you are not aware of costly issues. Therefore, the home inspector is one of the most important and cost-effective purchases involved in buying a home. Purchasing a home is a major investment; use a Calibre Home Inspection to help you be fully aware of your new home.

A Calibre Home Inspections Service: Reducing Fear
You may be a little anxious about the home inspection because you do not know what to expect. A Calibre Home Inspection is a painless process that is designed to save your hard-earned money. If you buy a home without a home inspection, you may be buying into a money pit. The danger is falling in love with the home before the home inspection; it will take away your negotiation leverage. Buying a home is no place for impulse buying. That's why you should have patience and postpone falling in love with the property until after Calibre Home Inspections has finished with the evaluation of the property. The home inspection is not a pass or fail grade; it is simply an objective evaluation that is given by a disinterested general practitioner.
The impartial evaluation by a Calibre Home Inspections inspector will provide an in-depth evaluation of the home you plan to buy. The inspector will evaluate the electrical, plumbing, HVAC, roofing, and framing conditions for items that are defective or not designed to the industry standards. These items may or may not need to be repaired before the purchase of the home. Attending the inspection is beneficial to add to your knowledge about the house, but not critical. Issues can be pointed out and investigated personally. There are many pictures in the report that help explain the magnitude and location of the issues. If a picture is worth a thousand words, actually being there could be like a thousand pictures. Walking with a Calibre home inspector at the end of the inspection will help in your understanding of the systems of the house.
Sellers’ Inspection
Sellers often choose to have their home inspected prior to listing their home for sale. This strategy gives the seller an upper hand at the time of the sale of their home. This inspection is essentially the same type of inspection as a buyer's inspection and the owner will be able to prepare their home to create a stellar home for the prospect.
If you have that special level of care on what you hand off to the next owner of your present home, then the Sellers Inspection is your vehicle so you know how to prepare your home for the upcoming sale.
Sellers often choose to have their home inspected prior to listing their home for sale. This strategy gives sellers an upper hand at the time of the sale of their home as they have anticipated and addressed some challenges that may have thwarted a sale. This inspection is essentially the same type of inspection as a buyer’s inspection. Having that special level of care when that buyer walks through your door will increase your chances of a sound sale of your property.

Another option for evaluating the home before purchasing is to utilize the inspector in a consultant capacity. Consulting consists of a verbal evaluation of the house without any written report. Several clients have recorded the consulting with camcorders, tape recorders, and/or taking notes. Consulting inspections take as long as a normal home inspection. However, the whole time I am there I am giving information without typing into a report format, and charges remain the same. Many real estate investors who choose to learn ways to inspect the property themselves would choose to have Calibre Home Inspections consult with them to learn how to:
My Passion
For home inspections has developed from buying, fixing, and selling many homes over a seven-year period. During that time, I learned how rain gets into and what it does to the home. I learned how to fix, what to fix, and how well it needs to be fixed depending on what the intentions were with the home. My construction background helped me locate subcontractors, learn solid construction methods, and building codes.
The Reason
Calibre Home Inspections offers consulting is that many investors express they are interested in evaluating properties and the desire to learn other aspects of investing. Over time, an investor will learn the ins and outs of property evaluations and shortly will not need a home inspector at all. Our philosophy at Calibre Home Inspections is that we want you to consider us your real estate partner. Our relationship doesn't end with the close of this transaction. If there are any questions you have about any property, we want you to turn to Calibre Home Inspections. This includes any items that come up during any real estate transaction and/or if you are looking for a referral to a qualified real estate professional.

Indoor Environmental Diagnostics
Mold Sampling
Mold is a wood-destroying fungus that grows on organic (was alive in the past) materials. It is God's way to break down the material and return it back into the dirt. There are 3,000 types of molds in the US and 1,000 of them are common to the Georgia area.
Mold spores cause allergies in different people. The toxic molds are typically more dangerous to most people and could be very dangerous at low levels to those with compromised immune systems. There are general rules-of-thumb for acceptable levels under normal conditions. One thing to keep in mind is that these normal levels for most could cause difficult reactions in others.

Mold Testing
Mold testing can be conducted at the conclusion of the home inspection or scheduled for a later date. We use the IAC2 (Indoor Air Consultants) national standards for testing protocols.
Lab results of mold analysis are supplied by a third-party lab. A quote for remediation will follow the mold test upon request. Because mold and toxins are a large focus of Calibre Home Inspections' philosophy, we only consider or recommend a nontoxic or organic solution. The natural solution that would be suggested (quoted) is likely 1/4 to 1/3 of the costs of the typical mold remediation solution. Some remediation companies guarantee to bring the mold levels to a safe point or they will not require payment.
Methods for Reducing Molds in Your Home
Even new construction can have a musty basement before the completion and closing of escrow. The easiest way to reduce mold/fungus is to remove the three things that promote its growth. They are moisture, organic material, and oxygen. Since wood and oxygen are almost impossible to remove, the best form of attack is to do the following three procedures aggressively.
1. Remove the water source: Mold could start growing within 36 hours of a flood situation.
- Stop any leaks from plumbing
- Fix any roof leaks
- Have an aggressive ground slope away from the property
- Control gutter drainage
2. Dehumidify: Mold finds it easy to grow with a humidity of over 50% relative humidity.
- Dehumidify the air until the humidity is lower than 50%. Mostly needed in new basements and during the summer months.
- Set up an automatic condensate pump or drain for convenience.
3. Circulate the air: Mold has a difficult time growing in circulated air.
- Add fans to basements
- Set the thermostat fan setting to "ON"

Radon Definition
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas from decaying Uranium. It is considered a "class A" carcinogen and is soon to pass smoking for the number one position for causing lung cancer. According to The Cancer Association, radon claims 21,000 death victims from lung cancer per year.
Radon Penetration
Radon penetrates naturally in slabs, especially in basement homes. The natural and mechanical negative pressure at the lower levels of the house causes the penetration of radon. Unfortunately, radioactive particles are located in the poured concrete of many homes and high-rise condos.

Radon Screening Procedure
The radon test equipment requires a 48-hour residing time at the property; then a 24 hour analysis time to receive the results of the tests from the lab.
Radon Screening Fees
A $185 fee includes either dropping the test canisters or picking up the test canisters at the time of the standard home inspection. Additional fees will occur if the testing is done apart from the home inspection.
Radon Mitigation
This consists of an exhaust system creating a negative pressure under the slab directing air and gasses from under the slab of the basement area through the center of the house to discharge above the roof area. Radon mitigation is suggested by the EPA when the levels of radon exceed 4.0 pCi/l (picocuries/liter). Mitigation on average-size (1500s.f. on a slab - 2800s.f. on a basement) homes range from $1,000 – $2,000.
Radon Results
Radon varies with intensity over time. Testing one time may not respond with true radon levels of residents' exposure. Radon testing equipment for long-duration samples are available; inquire with Calibre Home inspections for the correct type of testing equipment.

Investor Property Condition Report
Most abridged inspections are structural inspections. Some clients, like investors, are not interested in a full inspection. These clients who trust their evaluation of the plumbing, mechanical, and electrical system might opt to have a structural inspection only.
Structural inspections consist of only evaluating the structural condition of the home. Items checked, but are not limited to, are the roof and its flashing, siding, windows, foundation, grounds and how they affect the house, attic structure and design, floor level, door operation, foundation, and structural wall and floor condition.
A written report with a summary letter is provided with the abridged inspection. Because the entire house is not inspected the fee for this inspection is significantly lower. Calibre Home Inspections will serve you in the way that best fits your specific need.
Abridged Inspections
Abridged inspections are partial inspections that are highly focused and explicitly laid out before the inspection begins. These include construction checks, deck inspections, and electrical inspections. Appropriate use of an abridged inspection would be a front porch inspection required by the bank in order to continue with the closing.
Structural inspections are special abridged inspections that only include the evaluation of the major structural components of the house. The price of the structural inspection, like all inspections, varies according to the size and age of the house. However, since they do not take as long as full inspections, the price is reduced below a normal inspection. These inspections include the roof, attic, siding, structure, basement/(crawl space), and grading and how the grading affects the structure. They do not include heating and air, plumbing, electrical, and appliances.
Call Calibre Home Inspections for pricing for your specific need.
Follow-up inspections are call-back inspections from an original inspection. They are conducted after a seller has fixed the inspector’s list of items that the buyer's Realtor requested. This inspection is a highly focused inspection to ensure the earlier areas of concern were addressed properly.